Thursday 23 May 2013

Summary of HoD (30-40)

Summary of HoD (30-40)


Marlow goes with the sixty Africans to the river and there were some Africans that were with sticks. All the weeks there were a black man that was a messenger, and he took a sack of letters, to leave the station and go to the coast. An old hippopotamus go out at night in the coast and all the Africans try to kill the animal using rifles.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Summary of HoD (10-20)

Summary of HoD(10-20)

            In this pages its narrated how Marlow visit some family and how he goes to the Nellie and he narrated the crossing of the river and he said that along the river they stops a lot of times to get off the Nellie, people who administrate the pass of boats in the river. When Marlow arrive to the destiny he saw how the imperialism is and how the black people work very hard in bad condition. He saw the black people dies of hunger and he saw how the black people work in a railroad.


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Converntinal or Alternative Medicine ?

          In one hand we have Conventinal medicine and in the other hand we have the alternative medicine. But sometimes we stop and ask : What in conventional and Alternative medicine ?, Is conventional better than Alternative medicine ?, and there are so much questions that we can ask, but Iwill say you which is the best.

          Conventinal medicine is a treatment, that have to be trated by nurses, pharmacists and therapists; using medical drugs, radiation or surgery.

          Alternative medicine is a procedures ("therapy") employees in order to cure people, who do not belong to the realm of Conventional medicine. The alternative medicine find the cure using a natural way, butis very expensive.

          Alternative medicine is worse, however this medicine don`t follow all the requirments of the medicine to cure people, but the natural people still use this medicine, and I think that there are people that use this medicine because they think that the Conventional medicine is worse.

          The Convemtional medicine is better than the alternative, because the Conventional medicine have a more probably to save lives with a surgery or found a diease with a scanner or with an x-ray machine. The time to found a diease is faster than the Alternative medicine, if the Alternative medicine can found some diease like cancer or a appendicitis, etc

          In conclusion, for me is better Conventional medicine than Alternative medicine, because is more specific to the prediction of some diease.

Monday 13 May 2013

Summary of HoD (20-30)

              Marlow return to the camping and met up with a well-dressed and very prestigious man. The man had been in the Kongo for three years. Marlow saw black people leave, and soon returned with a lot of ivory. Also comes Mr. Kurtz who was a first-class agent.

              Marlow start walking again with the sixty black people and in the road he saw dead people. He was with a white person but the he was very fat and Marlow has to carry his jacket. After 15 days he saw the river again and he arrived to the Great Central Station.

             When Marlow arrive to the station he saw a person that was in charge of the station. This person leave the station and said to Mr. Kurtz to be in charge of the station. Some people say that Mr. Kurtz was sick and Marlow was asking all the people he saw because Marlow need Mr.Kurtz.